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Any reproductions or modifications by means now known or hereafter invented, without the express written consent of Sullivan, Henry, Oggero & Associates, Inc. is strictly prohibited. By purchasing the minimum of a full set of House Plans, you are granted the right to build that home one time. Only the original purchaser has the right to build one home from the plans purchased; you may not rent, lease, loan, give, transfer or sell the plans. A client may purchase plans for a builder to build a home for the client. Because it is illegal to create derivative works without having purchased the right to do so, even if you are planning on making extensive changes to the design, copyright laws require you to purchase a copy of the plans. It is illegal to make copies from prints obtained Sullivan, Henry, Oggero & Associates, Inc. without our consent. It is illegal to have plans drawn based in whole or in part on plans presented by Sullivan, Henry, Oggero & Associates, Inc. catalogs, designs, web pages or marketing literature without having first purchased the plans. It is illegal to build a home more than once without purchasing additional Construction Licenses. It is illegal to rent, lease, loan, give, transfer or sell created works of Sullivan, Henry, Oggero & Associates, Inc. Only the original purchaser has the right to build from the building plans purchased.